Wrong Java Version Installed. The Java development kit JDK contains tools for Java development and the Java Runtime Environment JRE contains a JVM to convert byte code class to machine code and execute it in short the JRE runs Java program. MOS answered me to make a symbolic link between Oracle JVM and the OS JVM inside ORACLE_HOME to use OS JVM instead of Oracle JVM.

Under the Project SDK section you will be able to select a new JDK that will be used for the project via the combo box. However when compiling using. I could add 1109 to JAVA_ALLOWED_VERSIONS to make it run but a better fix seem to be to fix that permissive sed line.
I need to make it compile on a supercomputer that works on the following JDK version.
When I run Ant it uses java 16. I could add 1109 to JAVA_ALLOWED_VERSIONS to make it run but a better fix seem to be to fix that permissive sed line. If the 17 Java folder is present at CProgram FilesJava folder then update the JAVA_HOME environment variable as below. Download and Install Java.