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Wrong Dosage Form Error Adalah. In fact distractions and interruptions are very common issues for nurses who are acquiring medications for their. MEDICATION ERROR DI RSUD HAJI MAKASSAR FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO MEDICATION ERROR IN RSUD HAJI MAKASSAR FITHRIYANI PROGRAM PASCASARJANA.
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Examples of medication errors are given below. Ketidakpatuhan non compliance dan ketidaksepahaman non. This can occur due to poor communication between doctors and nurses.
2 Asuhan Kefarmasian merupakan pola pelayanan kefarmasian berorientasi pasien merupakan ekspansi kebutuhan yang meningkat serta tuntutan pelayanan farmasi yang. This can occur due to poor communication between doctors and nurses. Medical Abbreviations Can Get Misinterpreted. Subjek penelitian adalah pasien stroke yang menjalani rawat inap di RS PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta periode Januari- Juli 2004 studi retrospektif dan pasien stroke yang menjalani rawat inap di RS PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta periode September-Oktober 2004 studi prospektif.