Purple Berry Tree Identification. Mature seed cones 14 berry-like greenish-blue with whitish coating per Native Trees of the Southeast An Identification Guide. Conifers broadleaf trees.

Jacaranda trees are native to the tropical rainforests of South and Central America. They often start at a small base in the ground and then billow outwards. Barberry varieties with purple leaves include Bagatelle Concorde Helmond Pillar Royal Burgundy and Royal Cloak.
When they bloom they stir up my hay-fever.
Cornelian Cherry Dogwood Cornus mas Cornus mas is a large shrub or a small tree with edible berry-like fruits. Also called chokecherries the red berries ripen to dark purple in late summer. Purple orchid tree Bauhinia purpurea is hardy in USDA zones 9 through. Leaves are flat Forests and woodlands throughout the United States Elderberries grow in flat clusters and are thornless.