Pompo The Cinephile Review. THE CINÉPHILE is a simply wonderful treat. For one thing the movie isnt really about Joelle Davidovich Pompo Pomponett an eternally prepubescent girl who happens to be the most powerful super-producer in all of Nyallywood.

Pompo the Cinephile is a cinematic treat a. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter. From the opening mockumentary sequence its clear that this is speaking directly to people who understand both film language and the culture surrounding it.
Full of heart genuine insights sharp dialogue and rounded characters the film is animated beautifully by CLAP Studio.
The Cinephile a lot of questions race through ones head. She brings out the best in actors in the crew scripts and runs a tight shop. While it excels in its humor voice acting and music the visual style is what propels this movie to greatness. Pompo the Cinephile is a tight 90 minute package that builds upon its straightforward story with a ton of aesthetic flair.