Pompo The Cinephile Konusu. The film revolves around Gene an assistant who works for the famous film producer Joelle Davidovich Pomponette aka Pompo-san. The Cinéphile debut during Anime NYC 2021 weekend as a cineatic love letter to hard work and ones passion for creativity.
While his boss is known for her commercially successful action and. Read reviews from worlds largest community for readers. The film revolves around Gene an assistant who works for the famous film producer Joelle Davidovich Pomponette aka Pompo-san.
The film revolves around Gene an assistant who works for the famous film producer Joelle Davidovich Pomponette aka Pompo-san.
Inspired by Shougo Sugitanis ongoing Japanese manga series of the same name Pompo. Although shes known for B-movies one day Pompo tells her movie-loving but apprehensive assistant Gene that he will direct her next script. Pompo is a talented and gutsy producer in Nyallywood the movie-making capital of the world. Pompo the Cinephile is a cinematic treat a.