Pompo The Cinephile Fan Event. Directed by veteran animator Takayuki Hirao and produced by brand-new animation studio CLAP Pompo the Cinephile is a rollicking exuberant ode to the power of the movies and the joys and heartbreak of the creative process as a new director and his team devote their lives to the pursuit of a masterpiece. Pompo the Cinephile Fan Event Pompo is a talented and gutsy producer in Nyallywood the movie-making capital of the world.
Get showtimes watch trailers and purchase tickets. Pompo is a talented and gutsy producer in Nyallywood the movie-making capital of the world. Although shes known for B-movies one day Pompo tells her movie-loving but apprehensive assistant Gene that he will direct her next.
Directed by veteran animator Takayuki Hirao and produced by brand-new animation studio CLAP Pompo the Cinephile is a rollicking exuberant ode to the power of the movies and the joys and heartbreak of the creative process as a new director and his team devote their lives to the pursuit of a masterpiece.
Akio Ôtsuka Tomomi Kohara Hiroya Shimizu. Pompo the Cinephile Fan Event Synopsis. Pompo the Cinephile Fan Event Dubbed NR 1h 40m. Wed April 27 2022.